Privacy Policy

This notice contains important information that must read to understand how Opere Facto Ltd collects, stores and uses your information including your rights in regard to your personal information.

By using the services of Opere Facto you are agreeing to the use of your information as defined in this policy.


Opere Facto collects and uses certain personal information of you as a customer. Opere Facto is bound under the European Union regulation, The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is law in the UK. We also bound by the Data Protection Act 2018. Opere Facto’s policy is to comply with all applicable local laws. For the GDPR, Opere Facto acts as the ‘’controller’’.

Credit Check

When a customer makes an application to buy a service or product from Opere Facto, we may perform a credit check. What this means is that we may need to check specific records about you including records kept at credit agencies and credit checking agencies.

Collection of Information

When you order with Opere Facto we will collect certain information. This may be information such as your name, email address, address locations, telephone numbers and financial information e.g. bank card to help confirm your identity. Additional information be sought when a product or service is ordered. Opere Facto will collect personal data when we enter into a contract with a customer.

Use of Collected Information

Opere Facto will use your personal information

1. To verify your identity

2. To process your orders and provide you with services and products

3. To manage your account

4. To provide you with information about our other services and products.

5. To tell you about changes to our products and services including our website

6. To conduct ongoing research and analysis of our offering in the light of new technology with the aim of improving them over time.

7. To recover any outstanding payments

Sharing of Collected Information

Opere Facto will share information with external organizations for the following purposes:

1. To enable the correct functioning of managing the customer account

2. To improve the service and product we offer

3. As part of any legal proceedings

4. As part of any request from a legal body e.g. in the prevention or investigation of a crime. A court order would be required.

Storing of Collected Information

Opere Facto only keeps your data as long as it is needed to meet its legal obligations. When we have no longer any need to process your information, we will delete and if possible securely erase it. Opere Facto will retain data for 2 years after a customer has ceased purchasing services or products.

HTTP Cookies

Opere Facto websites and application uses HTTP cookies. Cookies collect information about how you use our website and other web applications and record information like your machine id, operating system version, your IP address, your browser version, length of visit, page views and the date and time of your visit. The information collected enables Opere Facto to apply analytics to the data provided by the cookie to try and understand how our systems are used. We will not identify you from your cookie unless a legal requirement is presented e.g. a legal order. You may delete the cookie we place but this may impact the correct function of the application or website.